I made it tonight!!!

Oh yes, I was finally able to make it though my week 5, day 1 from Couch to 5K. I thought I would have had to go back to earlier stages since it’s been quite a while since my last run. That stage was this:

– Start with a 5 mins warm-up
– run 5 mins
– walk 2 mins
– run 4 mins
– walk 2 mins
– run 5 mins
– walk 2 mins
– run 4 mins
– cooldown 5 mins

I did my training on the treadmill so if I had to stop, I could. I will try my next one hopefully outside. Thank goodness I had my cough lozenges. That help to keep me from coughing out a lung. It took my 34 mins total and 2.96 kms (treadmill distance). I did run a little slower than usually but I wanted to test myself tonight.

Hope you are all doing great. I hope I’m back on track now. I feel great now. My sinusitis is no longer bothering me except for the coughing. I can live with that. It will eventually stop. It’s better than it was a few days ago.

I’m back on my blog too. Last weekend, I had fun with my camera. Here are a few pictures I took…

040 001 Phare de Dalhousie 234 138 093 063 014 112 166 223 266 294

Don’t forget… you can sponsor me to train for a half-marathon for the Canadian Diabetes Association. You just have to click here.

Talk to you later!!!

Erika xox

It was fun!!!

I am proud of myself for having completed my first 5K. Now, next challenge, do a 5K without walking.

The 10K Bathurst organizing committee did a very good job. We were running in the streets and felt very safe. We were also lucky we had sun. I did not like the wind too much but better than the big rainy days we had the past few days.

I had some much fun today. Between the 3.5 to 4.5K, I had to dig deep to continue. The more I ever did up to today was 3K. The extra 2K were difficult but with some walks, I was able to complete. I guess I have to start somewhere, right? It’s even motivating me more to continue this journey. The goal is Edinburgh, Scotland in May 2014.

My time was 44:21 and my pace was 8:53. Now my goal for my next 5K is set. I have to do better. 🙂

Well time to get ready for next week. Watching tv then off to bed.

Erika xox

My first 5K race

In 12 hour from now, I will have completed my first 5K race.

Yes I did register for a 5K race tomorrow. It is Bathurst’s first race. The major event is the 10K race but they do have a 5K one too. You can either run or walk the 5K. Afterward, there will be some small races for kids too.

I’m a bit nervous but I will do my best. At least it will show me how I do in a race environment. I do have to start to do some races to get ready for my race in Scotland in May 2014. I’m realizing more and more what I got myself into. I have 2 big challenges: train to run and do some fundraising for the Canadian Diabetes Association.

I think the nerves are mostly there because I’m not sure how it will work. The only time I did something like this was for CIBC Run for the Cure. The race tomorrow is also for a good cause. The money will be split between both high schools of Bathurst.

You can find more information on tomorrow’s run by clicking here. It is their first time doing this event. You might want to get information for next year if you would like to participate… that is if it will be an annual event. I’m not sure. I did not hear anything about that.

I’m currently downloading my run music on my iPod for tomorrow. Then, it will be off to bed. Hope I can sleep. haha  I will certainly give you an update later on how it went. The temperature seems that it will cooperate. With the rain in the last few days, I was getting a bit worry. Please no rain…

Talk to you later…

Treadmill run

It was foggy and raining tonight. I decided to test myself on the treadmill. I went at speed 4 for 30 mins. My breathing was fine but my shin felt funny toward the end. Will see how the 5K will go on Sunday. Yikes!

My training is going well. I can do 30 mins running now, well on the treadmill. There is a 5K race in town Sunday like mention above. I might have to walk a little but hopefully the adrenaline will kick in and make me push more. I’ll definitely will try my best and see how it goes.

All the runners out there… Do you have any suggestions to help my shin. I will certainly rest between now and Sunday. Other than stretching, do you have any other ideas?

Here is my summary for tonight:

  • DISTANCE=3.00 km
  • DURATION=30m:01s
  • AVG. SPEED=10:00 min/km
  • CALORIES=302 kcal

Take care!

Erika xox

mmm back to normal

I had a great weekend visiting with a friend and her family in Moncton. Before leaving for Moncton Saturday, it was a visit to my hairdresser. It was time for my roots and some ombré style too.

My parents brought Jack, my nephew, back to his parents today. We will miss having him with us. It will be strange getting home after work and not hear him say Errrrika… lol… He just loves the sound R. It’s just too cute. Although we loved having him around for more than a week, we are happy too that we will get back to normal. It’s for sure not the same with a 2 year old around.

I can’t wait to get back in a normal cooking/eating routine too.

My run this evening was tough. I even did not think I was able to make it through. I’m happy I did push and completed it. Here are my summary for tonight. The temperature was cool and windy. The wind and not having a lot of energy did not help but I did push through and I’m proud I did.

  • DISTANCE=2.96 km
  • DURATION=29m:00s
  • AVG. SPEED=9:47 min/km
  • MAX. SPEED=6:30 min/km
  • CALORIES=296 kcal

Don’t forget… you can help with my fundraiser and sponsor my run by clicking here http://erikabelanger.wix.com/teamdiabetes.

Take care,

Erika 🙂

Perfect cool weather

Wow tonight just had the perfect cool weather for a run. I’m at the week 4, day 1 of my Ease into 5K. I know I could push myself and go ahead to future days but the last time I attempted that, I got overwhelmed. I decided this time to stick to the program to get to the 5K.

My knees and legs are mostly feeling it but they don’t hurt. I also see that it’s starting to get less time for me to recuperate in the walk intervals. Even if I’m walking for 3 mins, I could be ok to start running again after just 1 min of walking. Again, I’m sticking to the program. haha

Here are the stats for tonight:

  • DISTANCE=2.98 km
  • DURATION=29m:53s
  • AVG. SPEED=10:02 min/km
  • MAX. SPEED=6:45 min/km
  • CALORIES=106 kcal

As a reminder, don’t forget you can help me do a fundraising for the Canadian Diabetes Association by sponsoring me. You just have to go see this link: erikabelanger.wix.com/teamdiabetes.

Thank you,

Erika xox

Morning run

Today’s run was a bit more difficult than yesterday. There is more of a challenge in the route I decided to take this morning. On my way back, it climbs a little for more than 1 km. I’m proud that I still completed it. Just a few weeks ago, I would have walked more but not today. I wanted to test my legs too. Usually, I take at least 1 day off between my runs and I’ll do something else instead. It was only on the last interval that it was difficult to complete it.

It was also sunny this morning. Initially, it was calling for rain. A nice surprise for my birthday! haha It’s getting more grey outside this afternoon. I’m sure we will get some showers at some point. At least my run is done when it was sunny and not too warm.

You can see this morning’s summary. I’m on week 3 of Ease into 5K. I have a 5K that I want to do on September 15. I hope I’ll be ready to complete it all by running. Next week, I’ll test how long I can go without walking.

  • DISTANCE- 3.37 km
  • DURATION- 34m:05s
  • AVG. SPEED- 10:07 min/km
  • MAX. SPEED- 5:56 min/km
  • CALORIES- 350 kcal
  • AVG. HEART RATE- 152
  • MAX. HEART RATE- 184
  • TOTAL ASCENT- 40 m

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Erika xox

Courir pour une cause… l’équipe Diabetes

Je suis inscrite à l’équipe de Diabètes Canada. Je m’engage à m’entraîner pour faire une course à Edinburgh, Écosse en mai 2014. Pour ce faire, j’ai besoin de votre aide. Je dois pouvoir ramasser un minimum de $6100 pour pouvoir m’y rendre.
Si c’est possible, votre don serait grandement apprécié. Le moyen le plus rapide est de le faire en ligne. Vous avez juste à cliquer ici: https://ocp.diabetes.ca/pledge/cspledge.asp?prId=td&oId=16719347&tId=20600 Ce site vous apporte directement à ma page. Malheureusement, le site est en anglais uniquement. Vous avez ensuite accès à imprimer votre reçu pour fin d’impôt. Tout montant de $15 ou plus aura un reçu.
Si vous préférez faire un don par chèque, en argent-comptant ou même encore par carte de crédit mais pas par Internet, vous avez juste à me le laisser savoir. J’ai des formulaires disponibles pour ça.
Je vous tiendrai au courant de temps en temps comment ça avance. Vous pouvez aussi partager ceci à vos contacts. Le plus de gens, le mieux! Aussi, vous pouvez m’envoyer vos questions.
Merci beaucoup pour votre générosité,
Erika Bélanger Emoji

Running for a cause… Team Diabetes

I have joined Team Diabetes. I have committed to train to run in Edinburgh, Scotland in May 2014. To do so, I will need your help. I have to do a fundraiser for at least $6100.
If possible, your donation would be greatly appreciated. The fastest way to do so is by clicking here: https://ocp.diabetes.ca/pledge/cspledge.asp?prId=td&oId=16719347&tId=20600. It will bring you directly to my page. You will also have access to print your receipt for taxes right away. Every donation of $15 or more will get a receipt.
If you prefer to use a cheque, cash or even credit card but not on the Internet, just let me know. I have forms available for that.
I will update you on the progress once in a while. Please share to your contacts. The more the better! Also, feel free to forward me your questions.
Thank you so much for your generosity!

Erika Belanger Emoji